The upside of immobility
I have been literally on my back for three days now - a couple of trips to the chiropractor, one stop at urgent care and finally the emergency room...I think I am starting to feel a bit better - well, I can walk without crying anyways:)
There really has been upside to this. I have been forced to lay on the floor, in bed or on the couch - just getting to the bathroom has been an amazing effort. Now, whether it's me or the percocet, I can walk now. But while I was forced to be still, it was an opportunity to rethink my lifestyle, and how I can avoid this again. I have decided I need to continue yoga and I need to walk - since copping out has only hurt me and apparently weakend my back.
This has also put my job vs. family in perspective. My little one hugged my legs and exclaimed "mommy wakey!" when I was finally on my feet. No one at my job is that concerned right? particularly my offenders. As I was laying there imagining a lifetime of pain (exaggeration must be a side effect of pain?) I was worried about everything I would miss out on and how I have taken my kids for granted. My oldest daughter had asked me to go for a "picnic" with her just before I strained my back - gosh, why didn't I go? How's that for a wake up call? Thank you.
My husband has really stepped up to take care of me, getting me my medicine, letting me cry, watching the kiddos and getting a semblence of supper on the table. In sickness and in health right? Good job buddy!
This downtime has allowed me to finish 19 minutes, another Jodi Picoult winner! I'm addicted, and being forced to bed turned out to be an opportunity for me to start and finish this book.
I thankfully, have been able to knit a bit since I have been able to sit and walk - I could see me turning a heel on my Roza tonight. I'm thinking of changing it up to the eye of the partridge heel. Any thoughts on that? I had to hang up the MS3 for now because I can't possibly sit up to the counter to follow the pattern - but maybe next week I can get to that back permitting.
Staying home from work has given me some interesting insight into my pet's daily life - gosh, do these guys sleep a lot or what?! They seem annoyed that I am here, apparently this is their "me time" and I am an intruder. Though they have rallied around me...

I have also had plenty of time to surf the net and find cool sock patterns like this one. And Japanese Craft books that are out of print and I can't get - dammit - like this one. I kind of dig all of the neat Japanese craft books out there - so I may have to scoop a couple off of ebay - I can't read a lick but they sure are inspiring.
Well, off to sit on an ice pack! Take care knitting friends!
Firstly, I never knew that your kitty was orange :) A very lovey orange kitty made me wish I could stay home from work today. Second, may I reccomend seeking out the blog "Crafting Japanese", getting the ISBN numbers, and then going to It'll save you some cash over ebay. ;) And finally, I'm glad you're up and around. Hopefully you won't ever be forced to lay on your back for two days again :D
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear you've been thrown from your "bike." Get well soon. I think tea parties with your girls will help a lot. And maybe some Yarntinis.
Wow - I hadn't realized you'd so thoroughly hurt your back! Sad! I'm glad to hear you're at least somewhat feeling better...and to see the animals rallying around. So sweet.
My not-so-orange pets and I are sending big big "get better soon" thoughts your way! I hope you're 100% again soon but take advantage of the rest while you can!
Oh no, I hope you recover quickly! That sounds awful.
I need to get back into the swing of yoga again, too. I always feel better when I go to class or even practice at home regularly.
Oh my goodness!!! Take care of that back! Get lots of rest and maybe some cookies!
Animals are a wonderful comfort when you're unwell. Hope you are feeling better soon :)
I hope your back up and moving soon.
Glad you're feeling at least a little better. Even though being down sucks it does put a lot of things in perspective. If you're like me, the first couple of days when you are back to 100%, you'll be obnoxiously chipper and positive. This particularly annoys grump coworkers. BONUS!
I hope you can go on picnics soon :)
Thanks for the eye of partridge heel link, I've always wanted to work one!
Definitely check out yesasia, they have free shipping on a lot of books, but it's slow (~3 weeks).
So sorry you've had to go though that! I really hope things get better for you soon. Your orange pets are adorable and I think an eye of partridge heel will look wonderful on Roza.
So sorry you were/are in so much pain! I love that picture of your pets worrying about you, though. They can really tell when you need extra love :)
I think an Eye of Partridge heel would look great! It's such a pretty heel.
Yikes! Sorry you still aren't back to your standing self. Good think you've got such great people and pets taking care of you.
Feel better soon!
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry you are so hurt. I hope your back heals real soon.
Glad you can at least knit!
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