Let's Play Charades
Didn't you just love that game as a child?

I am taking regular breaks from my Mystery Stole 3 - it has been probably the most complicated lace I have done to date- well, given I have completed one shalw and made a couple of charted socks until now, it doesn't take much to be complicated. I'm glad I chose it to be my Tour De France KAL project because it is well suited as the project for the polka dot jersey for me. I'm climbing mountains. I hope to get a picture taken of my progess, I'm 6 rows from clue #3 and it just seems I should get it to there before I parade it in front of the camera. Clue #4 comes out Friday - what have I done?
Well, what I have done is take periodic breaks from my Stole to start the Charade Sock from I may be knitting a ranch house...One of her sample socks happens to be knit up in Yarntini variegated Vintage - colors that truly make me taste and hear the carnival midway - I can hear a calliope and taste a blue raspberry snowcone. I love this colorway. First, I started a Monkey sock and gave up because of pooling and now...Houston, I have a problem...well, depending on how you look at it...it's pooling. But I have considered the situtation and I don't think it matters. The pattern says "meh." for gauge - I love that kind of logic - so "meh" it's not a gauge issue. It's just a different repeat, it crazy how two socks from a similar colorway can be so different - it's kinda like two kids from the same womb having different personalities. I can't think of anything I might do different to avoid this pooling, short of a larger or smaller project - but maybe I am missing something.
The patttern is so simple, I love it. I needed a simple project for this up coming weekend. My husband is doing The Spirit of Racine, some half ironman insanity, which leaves me a lot of time hanging around on the course. It is my "2nd annual sit on the course and knit with Yarntini" event. So, this sock is just what the doctor ordered, pooling or not. I think I may love it in spite of itself. A nice cool sock that I can use to wipe the sweat off my brow while I cook in the sun waiting for my husband to swim 1.2 miles, bike 56 miles and run 13.1. I know, you can hardly feel sorry for me, huh?

or should I go back to this...

or maybe someone with more knitting experience has an idea for me?
and just then...I was trolling around ravelry and found this post - maybe this yarn is too fabulous to be ambivelent? maybe I just need to make a chevron scarf? caution to the wind... but then I need another Yarntini project for the race this week - oh, poor me - I would have to crack open another skein of Yarntini...(rubbing hands together...bwahahaha)
Check out Knitting Sutra for a fabulous contest requesting pattern ideas to avoid pooling - one of her prizes is Wollmeise - run, don't walk over there!
That's a tough choice. It's hard to figure out what to do with pooly yarn!
Good luck to your husband this weekend! That's quite a feat even to attempt.
You ARE a yarntini addict! Hmmmm.... pooling yarn is a tough one. Do you have too many jaywalkers? Those are my default.
I have to say that I like the pooling on either of the socks, but i wear $.99 socks with funny looking ducks and stuff on them. Of course, a scarf in that yarn would be gorgeous too, and you could start something else.
what is a 'kogpeeqg'? that is my mystery word. Some of these are very interesting!!!
Ok, I LLLOOOVVVEEE Yarntini - especially vintage - I say a scarf, but the socks are great too. How about both?
i despise pooling! but i have found the US 1.5 i think 2.5m? it helps my tension and control the pooling
try different sizes. i love the yarn in the monkey pattern :-)
Definitely hard to choose between the two...I personally am not bothered by pooling. Good luck to your hubby on the tri. And keep plugging on the MS3...it is so worth it. I found stitch makers a help at intervals of 10 except for the center stitch and the very last 2 stitches on either side.
Ah, I don't mind pooling either, but I do think the "pools" on the monkey look more satisfying than on the charade. It _is_ a nice scarf though....
Good luck to your husband - sounds amazing!
I like the monkey sock best but the other one is great too. I like the pooling look! And you definitely need to make the scarf! Wow! It's so easy to make decisions for other people! :-) Lemme know if there is anything else you need! :-)
Anybody who defines sock knitting as "a simple project" has my undying respect. I know they're small projects, but I still haven't found the right mix of toes and heels and cast ons/bind offs that makes a successful sock, so -hey- pooling or no pooling, this sock-challenged knitter is quite impressed!
O.K. So I LOVE Yarntini yarn:) When I saw the Charades sock i thought oh that looks nice. I liek the pooling its making in little areas. But when I scrolled down more and saw the Monkey sock --I GASPED! Its gorgeous! Go for the Monkeys! But in the end, you should make the socks that make you the happiest:)
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