One Year Blog-a-Versary! and A Cause for Celebration Contest!
Wow, a year. I'm feeling a little verklempt. I hope you can bear with a teeny traipse down memory lane with me. I have found blogging to be so ridiculously satisfying, it's beyond comprehension. I think what truly got me started thinking about it was a book from my sister. Yarn Harlot: Secret Life of a Knitter. She bought it on a whim for me for Christmas. It was then that I realized that there is a world of knitters out there talking about it. So I started reading Harlot's blog, following her links. I even talked my supportive non-knitting sister to go with me to see Harlot in Chicago last summer. It was so much fun taking the train down, having decadent liquer chocolates at Ethel M's Chocolate Lounge, spending way more than I could have imagined at Teavana...and while we sweat in an echo-y community center listening to Harlot I was knitting these. My favorite socks in my favorite colorway - Cosmopolitan - by my favorite dyer. By now, if you have read my blog, you know I love Yarntini - she was so open to my first request for a special order that my adoration blossomed and we kept in touch. She has since spoiled me so silly I often have to pinch myself. And now, you guys could receive a little Yarntini love. Look what I got today as an offering for my contest...

yes, can you read the label? peaknit semi-solid, I squealed when I saw it. *clapclapclap* Jessie sent it as a generous surprise. And she just knew, based on past experience, that I wouldn't be able to part with it, so she included one for me too. How's that for supporting a habit:)
So as my blogging continued, I started getting comments - omg, I am so grateful for each one. Each comment made me want to keep making new friends through blogland. Then I started seeing "swaps" - I can recall in earnest wanting to be in Sockapalooza so bad, and Secret Pal 8, but I was too late to the party. But eventually I got in on some. I have "met" some great people through this process. I was the kid in class jumping up and down to beg for the international pen pal and I even wrote my school friends just over summer - so this has been a real treat. I met blogless Christine through the KMKS swap. Her friendship has been the most rewarding in that we exchange e-mails regularly and I think we may have been separated at birth - well, years apart - but nevermind that!
It has been so interesting meeting people from both coasts and in between through comments and tracking back to their blogs. I have enjoyed serial commenting with Chicken Knits, Susan B. Anderson (blogging has kind of reintroduced me to her, the owner of the shop where I learned to knit, small world), Sandra over at Stay at Home Knits - she has been a fun International friend that I have also swapped with, Lady Knitterly, Marisol at Purls Just wanna Have Fun, The Knitting Bandit, Tina's International House of Yarncakes (the name got me!)...and so many more. I have also met several locals Ann at Yellow House Treasures, Molly Bees Attic and my co-worker from Gramknits - she and I will often talk about things being "blogworthy" which merely stumps, or scares everyone around us.
Okay, so I have loved blogging and the relationships it has come with. Then there are all of the other goodies I have found...the links to such great places, talks about sales, Ravelry and swaps. I think I have bought every piece of jewelry that Scout J. has linked to - she has incredible taste. And then the lace at Beyond Your Peripheral Vision - she is a amazing and I need some of that Wollmeise! I've read book reviews and movie reviews and have been turned on to podcasts I would have never otherwise uncovered. I have seen projects in yarns I would have never thought of trying. But, maybe most of all, it is a great place to be myself and feel accepted among many fiber kindred spirits. It's like a huge knit night every night!
And then there is a contest - a celebration should always include prizes. So what I would like you to do is simple, please leave a me a comment, would be a real bonus if you would include the name of your favorite sock pattern. (as a non-recovering sock-a-holic, I am always looking for new ones) I am thinking with the surprise arrival of the kick a** yarntini today - I would like to offer at least two prize packs - one with the peaknit yarn and another with some sock yarn from my stash. I am also planning to include some handmade stitch markers, candy and whatever else I can come up with. I plan to try this "random number generator" thing next Friday and come up with my winners!! Orif I cannot be techno-savvy enough for that - I will write the names out and my daughter will be my lovely assistant and draw from a French Market Bag! So please leave a comment and help me par-tay! Thank you!
And in true party form, I am now planning to scoop up some Araretto Slush and enjoy the next episode of Meadowlands in air conditioned comfort before everyone rushes the door in an hour. Motherhood requires planning.
Thanks for the super sweet shoutout, you are too nice!! What great yarn, I might have to order some if I don't win. I hope you were able to enjoy your down time. Of course any sock pattern I've already mentioned it to you before, but I really enjoyed the Roza socks. And yes I'm going to work on posting pictures after this.
i recently knit some baltic socks from (the pattern is in her sidebar) and i love them!
happy blog-a-versary!
It was wonderful to meet you through blogland too and I sure hope we can meet in person someday and do a little simultaneous knitting! LOL!
The Yarntini yarn is simply gorgeous and you should be very proud to have your name on it... I'm totally green!
As for a sock pattern... ummm... you've likely knit plenty more than I but one that I could suggest would be.... ummm... errrr... the Austrian Socks, by Candace Eisner Strick (Favorite Socks book) which I hope to knit in the very near future. Ahem.. I only bought the yarn for the pattern about 4 months ago! LOL!
Another would be Eunny Jang's Bayerische Socks. Both of which I'm sure you're familiar.
The Yarn Harlot's At Knit's End was the book received at Christmas two years ago from a non knitting friend was what brought me to this online community too. I am so thankful to my friend for that! I think that my two favorite patterns so far would be Anastasia and Child's First Socks. I love love love the yarn Yarntini made for you, you're a lucky girl! : )Thanks for being willing to share the goods with us.
Happy blog-a-versary!! I have sooo LOVED reading your blog as I have embarked on my new knitting journey.
Your Yarntini yarn is gorgeous! The pattern I seem to be coming back to is the Pomatomus by Cookie A. I also like Child's First Sock. I think they look similar in pattern. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
I think I found you on Ravelry not long ago (I regularly check for cheesehead Ravel-rousers) and have been reading ever since. My sis lives in Madison and eldest will soon be a student at UW. Happy blogiversary -- it is truly a fun and amazing thing!
I may have found you recently (found, such an odd verb to use for a SP sanctioned stalker ;)) but I'm really glad I did. Happy blog-a-versary!
And I can't really commit to a "favorite" sock pattern, but I'm currently knitting Cascading Leaves, and I'm pretty fond of it.
I don't know that a have a favorite sock pattern. I've never knit the same socks twice, aside from Jaywalkers of course.
Happy Blog-a-versary. I don't remember what lead me to your blog, but I'm glad I'm here.
Awww!!!! I like getting serial comments from you too!
My favorite sock pattern is the jaywalker. I know, it's predictable. But it just always works. I also like the Pomatomus. Cookie is a genius.
Happy Blogaversary!!!
Happy blog-a-Versary! I hope you get to celebrate with much knitting.
I love the Widdershins from Knitty (especially the cabled version) and refer to its heels for other toe-up socks.
I am quite fond of Roza's Socks by Grumperina (in IK Spring '07) for interesting knitting that doesn't require much attention.
I think Cookie is brilliant, but I haven't tried any but Pomotamus so I can't tell you whether I love the patterns to knit or just to look at. :)
Happy Blogiversary! I'm glad you've been enjoying it so much :) Hmm, favorite sock pattern? Sidewinder, or Lombard Street, or Merino Lace, or Monkey? It's hard. I have a pic of eleven different socks I've made recently here if that helps any :)
You should try the Wollmeise. It's as great as they say :)
my current favourite is baby monky socks. the next for me is either LOV (lily of Valley) by jeanie townsend or Aureila
of yarnyenta dot blogspot
Happy blogaversary! It's been great getting to know you *cyberly?!* too! Thanks for posting my silly blog name! (blushing)
I don't know yet if these are a favorite, but they look really cool, and I'd never heard of them until I started prying around on ravelry: Whisper Lace Socks by Rachel Hawksley
(blog at
Happy blog-a-versary!
I'm new to blogging and socks but I'm addicted to both.
I found you while looking for local bloggers and have enjoyed your thoughts.
I raise my glass and offer up a toast to the first year and many more.
I am actually in Madison.
Thank you, you were my very first comment.
Happy Blog-a-versary!!!
I'm pretty new to blogging myself and am finding out how wonderful of a knitting world there is out there in blog land. I'm addicted! And I'm so pleased to have found you! :)
Thank you!
P.S. How COOL to have a yarn colorway named after you!!!
Happy Blogaversary! I enjoy your blog so much! I currently love the basketweave socks I'm knitting right now with the latest "Socks That Rock" yarn. I got the pattern here: Here's to another great year~!
Happy blogiversary, dear Stacey!!!! And many, many more!
Yay!! I'm so happy you like your very own colorway! It's definitely my new fave and I have to dye up some more asap.
Sadly, I'm not a very big sock knitter so I don't have much insight into sock patterns. I can say that I was loving the Embossed Leaves pattern while I worked on it. Didn't get very far, but that was just my ADD kicking in :).
Congrats - I love your blog, partly due to the name as my gurlz are called peanuts by me on a regular basis.
I really enjoyed working the seed tich rib socks for my Dad as they knit up so elegantly.
How cool to have your own is beautiful! :)
Happiness year blogging!!!! Way to go!
I don't have a "favorite" sock pattern, I really havn't made too many......I plan to this fall though.
Here's to many more celebrations! :)
*rubs hands together and tries to think of other jewelry to show you*
I always enjoy reading your blog! I'm a big fan of the Dublin Bay socks pattern over at Mossy Cottage Knits.
BTW, the Peaknits yarn is beautiful.
Happy Blogaversary! Hurray! Time sure does fly doesn't it? This was a great trip down memory lane--great post!
I am not sure if I am too late to the party as I have been on vaca over the weekend.
Just in case I can still get in on the action-- My favorite sock pattern so far has been: Calla Lilly Socks by Sundara. I have knit it twice because of it simplicity and the nice open seam on the back that introduces just a little hint of leg action!
Sorry --forgot to mention a couple of other things... I Love your PeaKnit Sock yarn its gorgeous! Your cosmo JayWalkers are some of my favorites too! Your picture of these socks in blogland always makes me smile:)
Keep Blogging! I'll keep reading and posting:)
Happy, happy blog-a-versary... you've got such a rockin' blog! From my fairly limited sock knitting experience, my favorite so far have been Jaywalkers knit with Yarn Pirate's Rosie -- quite lovely indeed.
Congratulations! Happy blogiversary.... and I am with you - Jessie is great!
Happy blogiversary :D
I have no recollection on how I stumbled into your blog LOL - funny how that works - a few clicks here and a few clicks there and next thing you know you've stumbled into another person's world :)
As for sock patterns, one of my favorites is Mizar by anna zilboorg - they were actually one of my first pair I ever knit!
Hi, you entered my Tour De France KAL competition so now I'm entering yours! I have only ever knitted 2 pairs of socks and both of those were in the last 3 months. I am a big fan of Cookie A though - so I'm going to be boring and say Pomatomus (did I spell that right?) Happy Blog-a versary and here's hoping we're both lucky!!
Since I just finished the Sandra Park Charade socks I have to say they have to be my favs. Easy peasy to knit...and I made them in YP Rosie. Delish.
Happy Blogiversary. I'm a Yarntini virgin...I should be getting my first skein in the mail this week...some Vintage self striping. I LOVE the colorway she made for you!
Well blogless Christine (who I was knitting with tonight) said that you were a very cool blogger and it certainly seems that she is right! My favorite pattern so far for socks was the mock cable socks that was in Creative Knitting 2 years ago. First pair and still my fav. Happy Blog-a-Versary!
Happy Blogiversary. Yarntini is one of my favorite yarns! I was just admiring your little Mary Janes on Ravelry this morning and then a friend sent me your bloglink. It's a small world. :)
Happy Blogiversary! Christine "introduced" us and I'm having fun looking at your past projects, and getting to know you. Those little booties are just about the sweetest thing I've seen. My favorite sock pattern is probably the Yankee Knitter basic sock pattern. It lists so many sizes, and then you can easily customize it with any pattern stitch you want. Keep up the good work!
I just found your pattern for the bootees and am taking a second to write to you before casting on for them! They are adorable. I currently am addicted to the monkey socks... it is a problem. I do like making baby socks with the North Country baby sock pattern. Have a great blog-birth-day!
Woo hoo, contest! Am I too late? Man, it's been hard getting back into this blogging thing (I mean, my computer has been hooked up for like 2 weeks - what's the deal man?) Anyway, my favorite sock pattern is still Child's French Socks from Knitting Vintage Socks. But I did get the Twisted Flower pattern from Cookie A (is that what it's called?) It looks pretty cool, but I haven't made it...yet...
Happy Blogaversary! My favourite sock pattern, right now, is the Spiral Boot Socks pattern from Summer 07 Interweave Knits. :0)
Happy Anniversary! I just finished Speedway socks from Anni Design. Very well written and easy to follow!
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