The Pact - another great read

I wrapped up this book last week and enjoyed it so much. I also liked another Jodi Picoult novel My Sister's Keeper, this was no exception.It was hard to put down when I felt I wanted to race to the end to see how it was all going to shake out. It is based on the inseparable/ undefinable love of two teenagers and the pain that apparently comes with that. Their depth is nearly unfathomable - I may have related a little more to the book if the focus characters were a bit older. Maybe it is because I don't want to imagine that such young people can experience such intensity.
I could relate to all of the different relationships and found the characters likable - including a defense lawyer - I never thought that was possible:) Please understand that I do not play on the same side as they do however.
I have a friend reading it now and she keeps e-mailing me what her guesses as to what will happen in the end, but she doesn't really want to know, right? But I just love that it has her imagination running wild as it had mine. I don't want to give away a thing. I truly enjoyed the read despite some of the darkness - teen suicide and teen pregnancy being a few - oh, I wasn't going to give away a thing was I?
I just finished another Picoult book, The Tenth Circle. It didn't grab me in the same way but it was still a worthwhile read. I have an aversion to comic books, if you read the book, you'll understand. I found death, suicide, troubled, sexual teenagers and self mutilation to be a recurring theme.
The Pact was the first Jodi Picoult I read, and really got me hooked on her. But the 10th Circle I listened to on audio book, and it was just a bit much. She has a certain style, it's addiciting to read, but has similiar themes.
i guess i shoulda wrote what the pattern was. :-) a shorter monkey and the baby monkey pattern from nikkiana
Stacey, My mom was a huge Jodi Picoult fan. She read all of her books, but I find them so disturbing sometimes. I have a lot of Jodi's novels in my possession now, but haven't read them. I am glad to hear your review. Was My Sister's Keeper so dark like that? I have that one on my shelf. I love your book reviews. Tutti is the cutest 2-year-old ever!
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