Sum-ah is here!

A little frivolous maybe, but a yummy rumrunner from Cheeseburger in Paradise . I had it last night while bantering with my sister. Good times. Can you see the little banana dude wearing sunglasses?
We met to look for dresses to wear to weddings we each have coming up. I went to White House/ Black Market - where ouch, could've stung the pocketbook a bit (somehow, if it's yarn - price is no object - an impractical dress though...) but the dresses were fabulous. Of course the one I had to have was in a size too big and a size to small - and then a bunch of those for people who are a size 0...I checked online and of course - no dress to be had like it. I may have to trek to Milwaukee to see if they have it there - you know when you find something that just works? It's strapless - kind of daring for me - but it is perfectly country club-ish and classic for the occasion. I am actually kind of excited - and people, dresses don't usually excite me. I have already knit a little shawl in my head to go with. We'll see.
All in all the afternoon was gorgeous, my sister and I had great gossip - goodness, I think we both got a little lit on our super sized drinks - I'm certain we got a little loud at times, it still makes me giggle. With 8 years difference between us, it has taken a long time for us to find an easy friendship, I'm so grateful that I think we are really getting there. I think there is some truth to birth order stuff but thankfully I don't have to be the curmugeon older sib any longer (though I still am a boss occasionally, old habits...) and she has elegantly shirked off being the baby. I'm quite proud of the young lad I must say.
Then I got this...

That is summer - that's what I'm talking about. Holy bright STR batman! In Sherbet and Rhodonite. I saw some of this Sherbet over at my SP10 site and thought - gotta have me some of that! Speaking of SP10 - I just sent out my last package and can't wait to get mine and have the big reveal.
That drink looks to die for. Love the colors of STR, was that the latest club shipment?
That drink looks fantastic!
You are definitely in summer mode. Pretty bright STR!!!
The drink looks yummy...I'd like one now, but I'll have to settle for my blueberry wine! I almost ordered that Sherbert color, but chickened out. I figured it might be just a little too bright for me. I can't wiat to see what you do with it.
Too fun to spend the afternoon with your sister! I am a bit jealous.
And it is your birth right to be a little bossy to your little sister.....believe me, sometimes the babies just need to be bossed around! :) (that is what my older sisters say, anyhow) :)
LOVE your new summery yarn!
Love the STR. Hope one of those is in the next club packet! You say Sum-ah like we say it in Maine, De-ah! :-)
Lovely colors! And yay for fun girl days. :)
Sherbet...yum! It's amazing, isn't it? Mine is currently by my knitting chair just sitting there. I can't wait to see it wound, but am too busy loving it in the skein yet!
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