Yarn loot and STR spoiler!
I have had a couple of good mail days...
First I got the most recent Rockin' Socks Club installment. I really like the colorway...Firebird. I was about to take a bite out a peach and lo and behold - do you see the similarity?

Then yesterday...I got my Yarn Pirate order, I could not resist "Apple" any longer. I can't wait to ball it so the colors can intermingle. I also got a skein of "Rosie" because I have liked other projects that I have seen in the colorway. It also feels like a staple of the YP collection and since she's been offering to sell a few colorways to anyone, rather than laying the weeds on etsy or whatever - I grabbed up on it. My will power is pathetic. I did avoid signing up for her Booty Club...and have kicked myself regularly since.

I recently decided to join up with the Mystery Stole after reading about it over at Marisol's blog - btw, she has the best stash ever! I purchased Vanilla JaeggerSpun Zephyr Wool-Silk for the project as well as some optional beads. The whole idea is interesting in theory but I am not sure I am invested in taking this on the more I consider it. I have been wanting to try this yarn but I also would like a shawl for a September event, and if it's not done, I'm outta luck. Such a dilemma. Maybe I am just scared? But then I look at past stoles, they are pretty fabulous if not a little challenging. I may just have to sleep on it, a mid-afternoon snooze is so appealing - but what are the chances? (*hint* zero)
I am kicking myself too for not joining YP club. I was on there like 3 minutes after it went up and decided to pass!! Why oh why???
Hey that yarn pirate is very very pretty! I joined her sock club too because you know.... I am such a sock yarn hog... or should I say yarn pig in general:)
The beautiful STR Firebird arrived on my doorstep on Friday too:)
I think we are sock yarn kindered spirits you and I:)
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