we shall be monkeys

I wound a delightful ball of Yarntini in Vintage yesterday and then had a little impromtu photoshoot. Thinking about this yarn makes my mouth water - I can feel the spun sugar melting on my tongue. I am just starting to think about "how" to use my camera, how could I get a sharper image, each strand of yarn crisp and clear. I think I need a book to help me capitalize on all of the things it can do. Anyways, I started a Monkey sock last night. I am torn about how the colors seem to pool in the ribbing, though as the lace develops, I think it could ebb towards a more confetti cake look. Do want to lick the beaters?
My past Monkey. They are so wonderfully complicated looking - but such a cinch - the pattern is easy to remember and the repeats just flow.
Oooo! Monkey see! Monkey do! Now I have to knit monkey style too!
That new camera really takes such great pictures! I can see how much you are improving all ready.
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