
Monday, January 21, 2008

project spectrum


I was catching up on some blogs and stumbled upon another mention of Project Spectrum . I keep thinking about this, and it's time to jump aboard. My goal is to use this plan as a carrot to motivate me to pull from the stash - I'm pretty confident I probably have some yarn for every element. In '08 I really want to be more mindful and resourceful with what I have. I have cut back on sock clubs (though if the Loopy Ewe had let me in...) and am trying to really think about my other purchases. Truth be told I have enough yarn to knit all year (and the year after that, and the year after that...).

I won't say I am "on a diet" - because I believe, like Weight Watchers itself, "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle". I hate the word diet, for me it just makes things seem more unattainable - to me diet means limits and it means "starving" - the the more I "starve" the more I ruminate on about what it is that I am trying to avoid. Kind of like telling a teenager they can't date a certain someone - only serves to make that certain someone all the more interesting. Well, it's like that for me when I try to tell myself I can't have or can't do something - the rationalizations start bubbling. So no more of that. For me Project Spectrum could be about taking my time with selections, being more mindful of my projects and my stash, studying, organizing, comparing. It could be kind of like school, and I like school. So we'll see.

No, I am not making any sweeping statements about not buying yarn ever - because well, I love yarn. But I need to make room for the yarn I have and the best way to do that is to thin the herd. So I have revived an old project this weekend and I truly see the light at the end of the tunnel - more on that when I am more confident I will have a FO.

Lastly, a contest over at KitKatKnit - a bunny thumper contest which consists of measuring your cat's feet - yup, not a misprint. My Ernest has some gams to be proud of, he is a big guy - going on 14 and the best cat ever - seriously my cat is better than your cat *winkwink*. I may be winking, but I mean it, doesn't everyone think their cat is the best?

Here's his rear bunny thumper between 5.5 and 5.75 inches long, it's hard to tell here because well, he is a hairy mo fo. And have you tried pinning a cats rear paw to a ruler? Even my most gracious feline was not interested one bit in this adventure.



Blogger Jean said...

Since I'm moving soon, I've been knitting only from my stash for a few months. I never made any official decision not to buy new yarn until we're in the new house, but that's how it's been working out. There's been something very satisfying and liberating about it. I've realized I could very easily keep it going until well after we've moved, too. I completely agree with you that it's much easier to embrace the positives of knitting from the stash if you're not associating it with restriction. If I told myself I had to be on a yarn diet, I'd be on a bender in the LYS in the blink of an eye. But instead, I've been able to appreciate all the knitting potential currently sitting in my very own house.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Marisol said...

I think this is an excellent way of looking at things and putting everything into perspective. I agree with you and I also am trying very hard to second think those purchases --Lord knows I am out of room and also need to chip away at the stash:)

I am trying to be more mindful and not give into temptation rationalizing my purchases and stepping away for a few minutes before clicking on buy, buy, buy:)

12:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm trying to think of knitting from the stash in the same way. Go back to what I have instead of looking for new yarn to full my need to buy something. Why buy when I have so much good stuff right here? That's my mantra. The jury's still out as to whether or not it's a lifestyle change. ;)

Those are some cute kitty feet!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Auntly H said...

You've written about the mindfulness thing really well! I'm with you; I'm not forbidding myself from buying, yarn, I'm making choices more carefully. (and, I'm tackling the pile of someday... projects in my basket!)

8:35 PM  
Blogger Molly Bee said...

Hairy mo fo! Snort!

8:54 PM  
Blogger Knitterella said...

I have to check out your link to see what this Project Spectrum is - sounds cool.

I know what you mean, I too need to use the resources I have here for projects more this year. I have a big yarn stash and lately I've really been spending on books! I love books (you know, the pretty books with lots of photos and tons of inspiration). I'm a sucker for a beautifully designed book but man, when I stop and think out it, I'm spending a small fortune!

5:05 AM  
Blogger KnittingMoose said...

What great ideas! My thoughts echo yours very much...I too have been making a personal, unwritten decision to knit from my stash this year...well, see how long I can do that! lol. But I love the idea of this project spectrum!

7:39 AM  
Blogger Sandra said...

Project Spectrum is always such a fun, but have never been there - next year probably!

9:45 AM  
Blogger Kristy said...

The running-for-yarn resolution has done the trick for me :) You have such pretty yarn in your stash-- it will be fun to see you use it!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Cinnamonamon said...

I know what you mean about not using the word diet -- it's all in how we think about things, isn't it. :) Check out for some great sock knitting from stash inspiration.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Knitting Kris said...

Great words about changing it into a lifestyle, whether you are dealing with food/yarn, whatever the vice may be. I love reading your blog!
How does one sign up for project spectrum anyway?

9:46 AM  
Blogger sewspun said...

It's really crazy to think of all the knitting you can accomplish out of your own stash! I'm sure I can knit for the next ten years. That's no exaggeration either.
Funny about your little kitty!

4:23 PM  
Blogger Susan B. Anderson said...

I know you can find some sportweight in your stash to knit the Giacomo's Baby Hat. I promise it is so easy and so few rows of fair isle. You should try it. I just love your reading your blog you always point me in different directions. That scarf for your mom looks great and I didn't even notice the lint on your coat. I am always sporting a wool coat with lint from my clapotis, I can't keep up:)

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe and I had to experiment. We're kind of competitive... But unfortunately Walter measured at exactly 5 and Tuesday was pushing 5.5. Damn that Earnest. We thought our cats were the best. Go nest-o Go! Nice photo of his foot too.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

I have very little yarn in my stash! I prefer to just go by yarn once I've decided I want to knit something! From what I see in Ravelry, and read on people's blogs, I seem to be about the only person not obsessed with buying yarn. Don't get me wrong, I would love to buy a ton of it, but I always need to know what it's for before I buy it, which is why I hesitate so often.... I mean how would I know how much I would need? It's all very confusing to me!

1:54 PM  

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