
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving thanks...

There is so much to be thankful for but in honor of fiber let me just say I am thankful for cotton yarn. There is something so uncomplicated and simple about cotton. I started a simple hat from Itty Bitty Hats last night upon the wonderful news that my sister's friend is having a BOY!! Woo Hoo Jenn! The timing was tailor made, I ran out of cashmerino for my one-cable scarf and was promptly jonesing for something simple to occupy myself while I watched "Daybreak" and "The Nine". I was pleasantly reminded of unfettered, fresh cotton - I love how the fabric knits up, each stitch has it's own voice and definition. It is a little hard on my hands as I knit so tightly but what a pleasant break nonetheless. It is so uncluttered - how I wish my life was at times. Clean and orderly cotton - seems my house can never bring me this joy as I am bogged down with grade school projects, old mail and legos - and even yarn. Yarn even clutters my life a little - ouch. I think I should make a turkey day resolution to destash a little. I need to "de-stash" the whole house but small steps. (I have a great book - book whore - on Feng Shui to declutter - perhaps I should blow the dust off and get some inspiration.) First I will finish my little hat - it is so darling, so immediate gratification - I am visual and scent driven...this little project makes me feel like I am breathing in white, clean air, so fresh it's nearly spiritual. The cotton combined with a little warm fuzzy - oh, to bestow a tiny little noggin' with a cap, can you smell "baby head"? I'm nearly drunk imagining baby smell...It is up there with baby feet for me as the most delightful things on earth. mmmm.

I am also thankful for knitters - you people rock! I have been blessed with several random acts of darn niceness in the last week or so, but those warm fuzzies deserve their own post on another day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sooo sweet...and at its best. happy baby and thanksgiving.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby hats always make me so happy. I just can never believe their heads are so tiny!

Sorry about the flu! Poor little girl. It's so hard when you're not feeling well and you have to take care of someone else.

11:04 PM  

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