First: Happy Mother's Day!

my silly girls getting along today - I couldn't have gotten a better gift. Do you remember when you were little asking your mom what she wanted for Mother's Day and she would respond "just for you to be good" or "that you and your sister get along" - and thinking - "no, what do you really want?" Now I am all grown up with kids of my own, and I think I get it. I do just want them to be good girls. That is a gift...some days more than others I suppose. *ack*
Second: Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.
Here are my facts:
1. I was the drum major in highschool band and I loved it!
2. I hate talking on the phone, always have. I just never have that much to say.
3. I like heavy metal music. This quiet, shy girl likes to bang her head and sing loud to this angry stuff in the car - I'm talking Metallica even. I like normal stuff too:)
4. My favorite meal is breakfast - I could eat it for every meal. Especially crepes or french toast. I can also eat birthday cake at dawn.
5. My favorite treat is fountain soda - mother's milk. I didn't like the taste of alcohol until I had children, I always say they drove me to drink.
6. The word "bozo" makes me bust out laughing.
7. I listen to public radio.
I'm kind of chain-letter phobic (or I have fear of rejection?), sorry to break the rules Nell but thank you for tagging me! - I probably won't publicly tag anyone, but if anyone wants to play - come on and steal it!
No worries about "the rules." I totally get it.
By the way, I was drum major in high school too. Thank god I was good at sports or high school would have been really painful. That's just the way my school was.
Interesting facts about you :-) I played the trumpet in my younger years in a ladies-drumband. Glad to see that you had a good Mother's Day
Cutie patooties!
Hysterical. I love this meme. It's quit and relatively painless, yet can say so much about a person. :)
That's funny...I'm a quiet and shy type too but have some random and what I consider "out of character" taste in music. I also love Metallica!
Your girls are beautiful!
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