STR Spoiler Alert and some projects

I received my Socks that Rock installment yesterday, what a welcome treat after the longest stretch of dreary, weary weather we have had since winter. We have had some 16 inches or more of rain and many areas of the State have flooding issues. How do people in rainy climates get up in the morning? We had some water in our basement but nothing unmanagable, thankfully.
So, needless to say, I was excited to see a package - it kinda marks the beginning of "club week", all of the clubs I am in send stuff out at about the same time. The yarn is called Flower Power and I think it's a close call whether it is the best one yet, the Firebird was pretty great. I am thinking it will make a nice Chevron Scarf - well, 1/2 of one! Just need to find a partner for it. There was a cute sock pattern also included - with a lacey turn down cuff. And lest I forget the funky 70's looking temporary tattoos.:)
I also am working on turning the short row heel on my first Campanula. It's hard to get a good picture or try it on, but I am thinking it may be a bit big. I'll finish the heel and see. I started with a figure-8 toe, so that was a fun new thing to try. Did I say fun? Anyways, I decided to use my Sundara Dahlia yarn from the April Petals Club package. I love working with Sundara - the slight semi-solid-ness makes the leafy lace pattern a little harder to see, but I like how they are knitting up so far. The KAL suggests we knit with it in public somewhere this week...hmmm.

I also made a couple more zippered wristlets - it was a quick project with left over fabric I had - I cut the pieces out to wait for just the right time to sneak off to my lair. They are a little wonky where the zipper gets turned outside right - I'm not sure how to solve that problem, I am having a touch time conceptualizing it.

Lastly, Jill over at Kniterella nominated me as a Rockin' Girl Blogger - I am so flattered...I rock! Thank you! I will proudly post this little "award" in my margin. I was secretly hoping someone might nominate me. In turn I nominate Knitting Bandit, Tina and Jodi. There are so many rockin' girls... and boys for that matter. Takes me back to the 80's vernacular..."Rock on!" (with your index finger, pinkie and thumb - does that take anyone back to say, an AC%DC concert in 1988? Maybe just me.)
The dude next to me at the show told me, in his surfer dialect, that he had been arrested for having pot in the parking lot - he hoped the cops knew it was good *&^%"... my 16-year-old self about died...and now I deal with these "dudes" every day and find them foolish but mostly harmless and slightly entertaining - poetic somehow.

I got my STR installment yesterday too -- I think I like the lacy pattern:)
LOVE those wristlets!
I really like this month's package, too! Especially in the emergency skein where you can see how the colors mix up.
I really like how that Campanula pattern looks in the Dahlia yarn!
I also really loved Firebird and this new color way is lovely as well, but I have positively hated all the patterns...I guess I'm too vanilla!
congratulations you are the only person whose blog I check all the time who has stayed current during the summer. Oh, put a little piece of fabric at the end of the zipper (cut so the zipper is shorter then the end and with fabric strip to fill in the space) No bunch at the end. They look great.
Wow, I want that STR colorway!!!
That colourway is awesome (some 80's lingo for ya!).
Yes, you are a rockin blogger!
Totally giggling about the surfer dude!
Adorable wristlets!
Hey! Thanks for the nomination! Cool!! (I guess you can see I'm a little behind on my blog attempts to catch up with my school reading. A vicious cycle, I tell you!)
Congrats on being a rockin' girl blogger!
BTW - Did you know your whole post shows up on blogger if someone clicks on your update? I know that you said STR Spoiler, but they will definitely see the yarn and be spoiled if they haven't yet received it themselves. There's no avoiding the spoiler on your blog even if they tried. Just FYI.
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