Devil in a Blue Dress

Popover dress by oliver + s
It is my little one's 4th birthday today. To celebrate her day and my renewed interest in sewing, I made her a little dress. It is the Popover from Sew Hip - Issue #5. It is a design by oliver + s and it took me a little more than hour - not including cutting and prepping - to finish. How silly easy is that? She looks so darned cute - especially when the little leggings underneath show - those are store-bought of course. And lookie here - this blogger figured out how you can make it reversible. I'll be making more, for sure.
And, I finished the binding on my Old Red Barn Co. Quilt Along quilt today - it's done. And notice the binding on my quilt matches the trim on her dress - maximum benefit (the body of the dress matches the back of my quilt, too!).
My quilt is merely waiting for washing and drying - to add the "crinkles" a handmade quilt needs to be official. I am a little nervous about this step - but I am excited to snuggle under my quilt - and start another.

Heather Bailey fabrics - Pop Garden with a dash of Bijoux
I am so glad my addictions are spread around - between sewing, knitting, reading and candy - I'm well-rounded, right? phssst. Have great week!