Omg, a couple of posts ago Sandra from Stay at Home Knit suggested I need an intervention…she really may be onto something. I have written about it before, my need for a 12 step knit group - but ah, where's the fun in that - yarn recovery? I think not. I have been working scads of extra hours lately because staff is down at the office - one is on bedrest and another will soon be going out for some paternity leave…so the overtime is plentiful. While maybe working more puts me in the hospital - it has really opened my budget up for more yarn, I'm merely supporting my own illness. I feel like a yarn rock star writhing in the excesses. But I'm not drinking or using drugs hence, I rationalize and perhaps have a tad of denial about my addiction. We could call me a "functioning yarnaholic". I'm sure that I buy more yarn than I can ever knit - for the pure beauty of it, the squeezability factor, for looks - it's ridiculous. I have yarn stahsed in every open container in the house, you know it looks lovely in a glass apothecary jar - decorative, no? The Yarn Harlot once wrote about putting yarn in the freezer and I thought, she's crazy"…now I'm thinking "the freezer you say?"
I've learned I probably need to join less sock clubs as I belong to four, egads. I love the bi-monthly windfall of goodies but perhaps I am not "spending" my choices wisely enough - because if I am not crazy about a yarn, well…what are you gonna do? I feel like a terrible traitor - just because my tastes may not always jive with that of a goddess dyer. I do love each club for different reasons. Sundara's Petal's Collections…let me count the reasons - I think she is a true artist and puts together the most classy packages. Yarntini's club over at pureknits…I just enjoy Jessie so much - she is so real, sweet and funny and her yarn is a carnival. Pass the cotton candy please. Scout's Swag - Scout rocks plain and simple. Rockin Socks with STR is my only "meh" so far. I love STR, so please don't anyone get hackles up - the yarn is fabulous - but the first two installments were in a colorway direction I couldn't appreciate to it's fullest - I tend to go "girl" with pinks or reds, some cooler colors are good but the first two were very murky to me - so I was a little let down. But then #3 comes and I'm in love again. And then more indie dyers/ distributers announce they are coming out with a club *anxiety sets in* - Yarn Pirate - I had to leave the house, I start playing games like "if when I get back there is an opening available I'll join" or "gosh, her prices are so good, maybe if I don't eat out for a month, I can join" - it's a sickness I'm telling you…and now Woolgirl is teasing about starting a sock club too - but I am already overcommitted. I know I have to really review my choices before the next rounds, be more discriminating for the sake of budget and maybe For now, I must admit I feel like the Paris Hilton of yarn - so wickedly spoiled, I'm embarassed. Maybe I even think I am a litle "hot"! Sheesh. If I start carrying around a little dog in a purse, commit me.
After all of this yarn ho confession…I still hope to get my club spoils posted over the weekend. Such guilty pleasures. I am pretty stoked about them, especially Scout's - she included a custom Cookie A. pattern! *clapclapclap*
Lastly, I am celebrating my blogiversary next Thursday - I took the day off of work (okay, well not to celebrate blogdom, but sounds so decadent - so Paris without the sex tapes) and I am trying to think up a contest. So keep your eyes peeled - surely a skein or two from my sock stash must go! I'm off to rest my eyes and try to think up of a clever contest. Or boldy plagierize someone elses...